jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013

First Post!!

Well, you are probably asking Why ANOTHER blog about fashion, tips, beauty, etc.? There are already many, many of them! but it turns out that I have many tastes so different (slightly bipolar)
That I needed a place to put them together! I know that many of you have the same problem as me, and everything depends on the humor with which we wake up, or someone wakes us up, some days we woke up very feminine and sweets and other ones... like bitches.
Women have the facility to do several things at once and therefore need several looks for our work, right? How many of you are dressed according to the day you will have? because You do not go with sport wear to work right? but it will not miss the spinning teacher that will say: I DO! ok ... you can go like that! you are forgiven ...

It turns out that for many of us becomes so routinary to get dressed to go to work, that when it's the weekend we want to be all that we could not be in a week ... or just be nothing and stay home to paint our nails, which is not a simple task, and watching movies or series ...
Well, I'm one of those crazy bipolar (not the clinically bipolar) who loves to do everything when they can, and be different from those that are "normal".
If you're like me, you love fashion, love shoes (just because they look nice), and sometimes you're femenine but you like tattoos and you want to look a little rockstar
And you love makeup but can not always do those works of art that we see on the Internet
And that simply is you in all your styles and forms ... I think you'll like this blog... and especially you can make anything you want, because after all... this blog is also yours!

- S

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