sábado, 29 de junio de 2013

Home Made Nails!!

It's Saturday night and it's cold where I live so I stayed at home, while watching my keyboard (because I'm not an executive secretary and I can not write everything without looking at the keyboard) I realized that my nails need a new design, I am one of those girls that if I have time I'll spend up to 2 hours to make my nails stay nice, but there are days or nights in which I have honestly not the time or the mood to feel Picasso and all I want is to do my nails, I imagine that there are many girls who have the same problem than me and I decided to show some of the designs that I do when I have no time, or THE MOOD to do them, I hope you try some of these ideas and then we can move on to something a little more complicated.
Here are some pictures that I found on the internet with the "step by step"

What I usually do is that I make these designs only in ONE nail! So I paint a normal color in the other nails and use these designs as accent nails, TRY IT!
 And these are mine ... I have not a step by step picture but it's the thing I do when I have no time:
 I used Neon Pink for these on all my nails and for the Accent Nail I used a Neon Green with Neon Pink polka dots that I made with a toothpick.
This ones are really easy to do, I used tiny stripes of scotch tape and then I painted the nail with golden nail polish.
 For this ones I also used scotch tape but I placed them in a diferent way as you can see.
This ones are the easiest of them all!!! I used silver nail polish and glitter for the Accent Nail and thats all.
Ohhh I also want to say that I agree with commitment MINIMUM up a post per week, I hope even one person reads this and is interested, only one would make me super happy.
with love

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